Thursday, November 1, 2007

don't believe the lie your dragon needs slaying

I guess it's time for another entry in this thing, considering it's been about three months since the last one.

People are flawed. Unbelievably, hopelessly flawed. And no matter how invincible you imagine yourself to be, you are wrong. And no matter how invincible other people may pretend they are, they are just as flawed. The thing is, everything...things and people, are never what they seem and we can turn ourselves inside out to prove that we are better than everyone else but ultimately it only makes us worse. This self-loathing, insecure self-absorption creates a prison in our own lives. We're constantly comparing and wondering, what do they think of me? There's a reason we're actors...for some brief period of time we can pretend that we're fearless...a place where our weaknesses and insecurities can't haunt us and the judgment of others can't point fingers and taunt us until we're ready to scream. So what do we do when it's just us...when it's just us, our shoes, and our souls...what do we do? Let it go. Let go of the judgment, let go of the issues and insecurities...just let it go.

The truth hurts, but often you owe someone at least that much.

Good to be back,

1 comment:

stearns said...

1. i'm not flawed. ever. :-)
2. who are you talking about? I WANT NAMES! a blog isn't any fun without a good bit of cattiness.

glad to be back (oh shut up),
