Monday, June 4, 2007

and he waits till she can give

Very interesting weekend, I must say. Somehow I managed to work twenty-five hours and still get myself in some trouble. I don't know how I do it. I'd rather not discuss Thursday night...what happened? Not that I could really tell you, but suffice it to say that I have horrible word vomit (and regular old vomit as well) when I'm drunk. There is a complete disconnect between my brain and my mouth after a few rum and cokes and I have no control over what I say. Things that I would never think to tell anyone about in everyday life come spilling out without warning. I'm still biding my time over this thing and maybe I just need to make a decision. Shit or get off the pot, as they say. Saturday = awesome. Made $170 and introduced my best friend in the whole world to the Lansdale bar scene. Needless to say, she's hooked.

Going to bars on the weekends with my friends is not pointless, Argument #1: Shawn offered me a job filling in for him for karaoke and DJing...$100 - $200 a night. And private parties. Not bad at all. But the question is, do I have the kind of time to dedicate to another commitment? Work and school already keeps me busy and if I'm going to do it I want to do it well. I think it would be fun and it's closer to what I want to do eventually, right? So why not? Time for a pro/con list. That's the only way to make decisions in life.

New laptop = LOVE. Thank you :)


- Jenna

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