Thursday, May 31, 2007

i know she's playing poker with the rest of the stragglers

Someone a lot smarter than me once said, "Don't put off until tomorrow that which you can do today." I don't know who said it, but still, very good advice. Trouble is, I'm feeling a little too much like Miss Scarlett lately. "I'll just think about it tomorrow." That's all well and good, except that the tomorrows keep coming and I never think about it. The other night, after scrubbing the smell of boneless wings and oriental salad dressing off of me, I sat counting my tip money and I got to thinking...maybe I don't need more. Maybe this is enough. WHAT??!!! Did I really just think that? This will never be enough. What happened to the girl who always wanted more? Who was never satisfied with just being normal? She's in here somewhere, right? I remember when the unknown was exciting...change was awesome and not knowing where you were going was fun. So when did it stop being fun and start being scary?

My new laptop arrived today! I'm a lucky gal :-) Question: How in the hell am I going to wait until FEBRUARY for a new episode of LOST??!!! How can the producers do this to us? I don't know about anyone else but I'm ready to personally telephone Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindeloff and tell them that they better have a new episode by October or I'm staging a protest. Question: What the hell happened on that island? What did Jack do that he feels so guilty about? Was he forced to let everyone else die in order to save himself and Kate? When he said "forgive me" on the bridge, who was he talking about? And Kate...who is the "he" that was waiting for her? Sawyer?? And who was in the casket? Ben? Locke? What happened to Juliette? How does Ben know that Naomi is an enemy and why is it bad that they contacted that ship? And is Charlie really gone for good? Oh and how does Locke know that Naomi isn't who she says she is? Sorry to the non-Losties who really don't care about any of this, but I just had to get my questions out into the void. The suspense is killing me.

Fact: Bears can crawl faster than they can run. Name that episode.

Questioning the universe,

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