Thursday, June 7, 2007

you fly alone now and you cry sometimes

Where do I begin? This last week has been a whirlwind...back and forth from Pennsylvania to Princeton to Pennsylvania and back again. I've just come back to Princeton today after a night in Lansdale, then it's back to Lansdale tomorrow night for work. Then travelling through the endless Pennsylvania farm country for five hours on Friday, hopefully arriving in Pittsburgh before midnight. I know this weekend is going to bring some stress and sadness, but it's just one more thing. With everything else going on, I think I can handle it. Then once again heading back to Princeton on Sunday in time to say bye-bye to Stearns before he goes off to Cape Cod forever and ever :( Can't I stay put for just a little while? Can't anyone stay put for little while? Maybe then I could learn to just be still.

Something's gotta give, sooner or later. Until then, it's me and my Ford Focus for a while. Indefinitely.

The constant traveller,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

update now... i need it

-cool kid in cape cod