Sunday, November 11, 2007

girls who eat pizza and never gain weight

There are those girls who just have it so together. Everything is perfect...they look like they live their lives with a book balanced on their head and they eat whatever they want and stay a size 4, all while getting everything done days before it's due. I am not like that. My hair is usually a mess, I worry about everything, I spill coffee on everything I own, I'm in debt, I fall down the stairs, my sink is dirty, my clothes rarely match, and yes, occasionally I forget to brush my teeth. These girls make me feel like I don't have a right to exist. Like my whole life will be wasted fruitlessly striving for a kind of togetherness that I will never achieve. And it's really really tiring.

I'm tired of people being bad at what they do. Maybe I should just start telling people.

Come to my recital on Friday! I've worked too hard to walk out to five people, one of which is my poodle. Yes, I had that dream.


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