Wednesday, May 23, 2007

a few witches burning, gets a little toasty

Your body is yours. Even if those people try to tell you that it's not, that's complete crap. You can pretty much get up and take your body anywhere you want to take it and it's not going to stop you. We learn from our mistakes everyday...and I'm done judging people for the mistakes they make. I've probably made more. We can't change what happened yesterday and we certainly can't undo things we wish we hadn't done so we take care of it and move on.

I am not a madonna, but I am not a whore. It's like people think that if you're not one, then you must be the other. Well I'm afraid that's not how it works. We need to realize that there are no clear distinctions and rid the world of these ridiculous I said, your body is yours and no one but you can tell you what to do with it. It all goes back to guilt. Why does it always have to go back there?? Can a woman not have that duality inside her? The one part that listens to her parents and does what she's told, and then the other part that's not afraid to put on some thigh high patent leather boots and go out and get what she needs. Not that I want to wear thigh high patent leather boots, but if I did, why would that be so wrong? Why do I have to be judged because of it?

Ah lazy summer...spending the hours studying poetry and watching movies (and making a weekly $400) is not a bad way to spend my time. Peace out.

Embracing my inner feminist,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i ain't judgin'... hey, if i were having more illicit sex, that'd be awesome....

though, i *would* give money to see you put on your thigh-high patent leathers... hahahahahaha