Friday, April 13, 2007

but i believe in peace, bitch

That's the truth. Peace is my thing. Keeping the peace, staying out of the drama. This is what I'm good at (among other things). That being said, if you push the wrong buttons, peace flies out the window. Trust me, I am NOT afraid to get my ghetto out if the need arises. Before you start jumping to conclusions about me and my motives and what I said or didn't say, why don't you walk up to me and confront me about it FACE to FACE. Clearly, you're much too afraid and that's fine. It's your life...if you would like to continue losing friends then that's your decision. I do not spread lies...I think it's time to turn the mirror and decide who it is who's really spreading lies. If it makes you feel better about your life to ruin someone else's, more power to you. My opinions are just that...opinions. Whether you think they're right or wrong doesn't change the fact that they are MINE and I will not change them for anyone.

You can call someone evil because of something you think she's done to you. In your mind, you think that she's done something horrible and vindictive, and you don't look at the role you might have played in the situation. You know exactly what you're up to, even if you don't want to admit it.

Foolish symphonic concert...two more weeks. I can make it.

They came to turn our water off yesterday...who knew? Certainly not us. We've never gotten a bill so I think there was a miscommunication somewhere. Considering that water is a bare necessity...ya know, that whole thing where one requires it to live...should it not be free? Whatever. For now we have water so we're ok.

Awaiting drunkenness,

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