Thursday, April 12, 2007

guess i'm way beyond the pale

Two halves equal a whole...not a difficult concept. When you're constantly searching for the other half to make your whole you forget to make sure that you, yourself, are all there. You get so far beyond yourself and suddenly your life is this other person and you wonder how you got there. You tell yourself, this is not where I intended to be. You thought you would be whole but then you realize that that's never really possible and then you're worse off than you were before. Now there's a whole chunk missing and you have to spend twice as much time repairing what's been taken away. You're pale. You're gone. The question then becomes, can you have two whole beings together, in a relationship? Because if you're whole to begin with then you can never really lose anything, right?

Sometimes we become so obsessed with making ourselves whole that we don't realize when we're taking away from the other people in our lives. I didn't mean to.

My friends and family will always be first...if I ever put anyone or anything in front of you when you are in need, slap me across the face and call me an asshole. I mean this.

LOST is fucking incredible, btw.

Lovingly loving you,
Yenna Dough :-)

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